Newsletter, July - September 2016
Dear Friends,
After a busy and successful second quarter, we find ourselves heading confidently into the second half of the year.
Our financial audit for the previous year (2015-16) has been completed and our Annual Report has been released. Please do read it for a comprehensive round-up of our work and impact during the last year.
Mission for Vision values the hard work and effort that each staff member puts in to help the organisation achieve its goals. To embed the culture of continuous development and to show our appreciation, especially for the unsung heroes of our work – the field staff, we have instituted the 'Yash Jyot Award'. Our field staff are at the forefront of our goal to eradicate avoidable blindness. The 'Yash Jyot Award' will be handed out once every quarter to the best performing staff member of each of the programme teams. The awardees for this quarter (Q2 2016-17) are :
Ms L Dhanalakshmi (Hospital Assistant) – MFV-JCOC Team
Ms Rakhi Das (Community Health Worker) – Programme Development Team
Mr Amritpal Singh (Field Investigator North) – Programme Impact Team
Mr Pranjal Diamary (Field Surveyor East) - Programme Impact Team
Mr D Sivasankar Rao (Field Surveyor South I) – Programme Impact Team
Mr S Dhayalan (Field Surveyor South II) – Programme Impact Team
Nearly a year ago, we partnered with NAB-I to launch Mission Shiksha – an initiative to enhance math skills in children with visual impairment. I am happy to report that some of the students under this programme excelled in their class 10 board exams held in March 2016.
6 photographs submitted by MFV for the #StrongerTogether photo competition held by IAPB have been shortlisted and stand a chance to win. The winners of the competition will be announced at their 10th General Assembly in Durban in October 2016.
Our ongoing activity on social media has garnered a huge response. In this quarter we added nearly 41,000 followers to MFV’s Facebook page taking our total to 66,011. Please visit us at www.facebook.com/mfv.org and sign up to receive regular news and information from us.
Please write back to me with any suggestions or feedback you may have for me at ekurian@missionforvision.org.in I look forward to hearing from you.
With warm regards,,
Elizabeth Kurian
Chief Executive Officer