A tool unique to MFV for evaluating impact of interventions, PRISM assesses change in visual acuity as well as impact of cataract surgery on personal, social, economic, mobility, and psychological parameters of the life of a patient. An acronym for “Patient Related Impact Studying Mechanism,” the application – digital since 2016 – asks the patient 30 questions to determine change in quality of life and is administered twice: a few days before surgery and 6 months after surgery. The results show significant positive impact on multiple parameters with the visual outcomes after 6 months matching the WHO recommendations. It also confirms previous evidence on the value of cataract interventions. The app is a robust tool to gather valuable evidence on quality of life and helps MFV identify new areas for evidence generation and refinement.


Screening Camp Assessments

MFV strives to provide the best possible camp environment for people screened by ensuring efficient, high-quality and professional camps are organised by its partners. To achieve this, MFV regularly undertakes rigorous camp assessments. This allows partners to learn about their strengths and areas for improvement and guarantees quality of care and high rates of participation in future camps.

Hospital Assessments

MFV believes that the best possible care should be provided to patients whether they are availing of a free or paid services. Thus to ensure that the eye facilities, care and infrastructure at partner hospitals meet these standards, MFV qualitatively evaluates them to help monitor and improve their quality of care and service effectiveness.

Quality of Life Assessment

Measuring the impact of its interventions is one of the key aspects of Mission for Vision's work. MFV’s programme impact initiative studies the impact of eye health intervention among persons provided eye health services. We assess the impact of the surgery both from patients’ perspective and from their family members' perspective. Interesting case stories are also collected to show the impact of the treatment on the overall life of the patients.

Project Evaluation

Understanding the effects of strategies being adopted in various projects is crucial for the further development and strengthening of various initiates being supported by Mission for Vision. We undertake mid-term, end –term and impact evaluations of the projects we support.

Visual Outcome

We are committed to ensure that all patients get the best quality eye treatment. Thus we regularly measure the visual outcomes being achieved by the patients who have been operated for at our partner institutions. We calibrate the findings as per the WHO standard and make sure the quality of visual outcome is as per the laid down standard.

Facility Assessment

Providing the best possible care to all patients is of prime importance to us. Thus we periodically assess the Community eye screening camps, Facilities in the eye hospitals, Transportation facilities for patients, Benefits received by the patients and provide recommendations to partners.

Patient Satisfaction

We periodically assess the satisfaction level of the patients availing the eye health services at the partner hospitals. The issues related to transportation of patients from the camp to the hospital; food and stay arrangements at hospitals; counselling of the patients etc. are documented and discussed with partner institutions.